All Opportunities

Welcome to the Cal Alumni Association’s (CAA) online scholarship application system.

About Our Scholarships:

Below is a list of scholarships available to UC Berkeley students, including brief information about qualifications. To apply for scholarships:

1. Sign In:
• Use the email and password from your previous scholarship cycle, if you are a returning applicant.
• If you are a first-time applicant, create a new student/applicant account.
• Important: Use an email you will regularly access after graduating high school or community college.

2. Complete Applications
• After logging in, fill out the “general application” and “submit” it
• You will then see “recommended” scholarships you may qualify for. Check the criteria to see if you’re eligible.
• You can track your application status on your dashboard. If it doesn’t say “submitted,” you haven’t completed your application.

3. Next Steps
• If you move forward in the process, you will get an email notification.
• Update your email to your address for ongoing updates.
• New admits can apply before receiving their UC Berkeley admission decision. Accept your admission offer by the deadline to be considered for scholarships.

Important Information:
• When viewing “All” scholarships, note this list includes all opportunities, not just the ones you qualify for. Award amounts vary based on individual eligibility, funds, and other factors.

Fall Scholarship Application Cycle

1. African American Initiative (AAI)

  • early March: The African American Initiative application opens
  • March 30: Applications for the African American Initiative close
  • mid April: Scholarship finalists are notified
  • late April : Finalist interviews are held
  • May: The African American Initiative scholarship recipients will be notified and must accept or decline the award plus complete a post-acceptance survey by the stated deadline

2. The Achievement Award Program (TAAP)

  • early March: The Achievement Award Program application opens
  • May 11: Applications for The Achievement Award Program close
  • late May to early June: Scholarship finalists are notified
  • June: Finalist interviews are held
  • late-July/August: The Achievement Award Program scholarship recipients will be notified and must accept or decline the award plus complete a post-acceptance survey by the stated deadline

3. The Leadership Award (TLA) for students who have been recently admitted to UC Berkeley *incoming first years and transfers.

  • early March: The Leadership Award application opens
  • June 8: Applications for The Leadership Award for new admits close
  • late June: scholarships finalists are notified
  • July: finalist interviews are held
  • August: Leadership Award scholarship recipients will be notified and must accept or decline the award plus complete a post-acceptance survey by the stated deadline

Winter Application Cycle

  • September: Applications open for Cal Pride, Mildred Jordan Sharp, and CAA Native American Scholarship (CAANAS)
  • October: Winter application cycle closes, unless otherwise noted for a specific scholarship(s)
  • November: finalist interviews on UC Berkeley campus
  • December: Recipients notified; must accept/decline award and complete post-acceptance survey

Winter scholarships are disbursed in Spring semester unless otherwise noted for a specific scholarship.

Reminder: Each January, your general application will be archived and removed. You must complete a new application when the Scholarship Application Cycle begins each year (early March).

Visit our FAQ page or email

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$4000 - $8000 African American Initiative Scholarship
Funded by the San Francisco Foundation and in partnership with UC...
$8000 annually The Achievement Award Program
Since 1999, The Achievement Award Program (TAAP) has provided students...
$1000 - 5000 CAA Native American Scholarship
The Cal Alumni Association Native American Scholarship (CAANAS) is a...
$2,500 annually The Leadership Award
For Incoming Students – This opportunity is only for students who have...
$500- $3000 The Cal Pride Scholarship
The Cal Pride Scholarship is a one-year award designed to celebrate and...
$750 to $2,000 The Mildred Jordan Sharp Scholarship
The Mildred Jordan Sharp Scholarship is a one-year, award that...